Steps to Getting a Dog Trainer Certification

Steps to Getting a Dog Trainer Certification  by Clayton Richard   |Published 11-03-2023

Dogs are animals that people love to have around their homes as pets or as security. As someone who loves dogs and is passionate about them, you can take that passion to the next level. You can become a certified dog trainer who will help the dogs get to their maximum potential and also ensure that they are healthy and happy when they get to new homes.

The next question that pops up in your mind is how to go about it. This article will guide you on two things. First, it will answer why you need to go into dog training professionally and also walk you through the steps on how to become a certified professional.

A young woman is giving a treat to a Shih Tzu dog

Why Should You Go into Training Dogs Professionally?

Dogs are fun to be with but the thought of going into it as a career may be a little scary. This could be because of some uncertainties in your mind. Once you know the benefits of working as a professional, it will solidify your confidence and your decision-making.

Fun Environment

For someone who enjoys the company of animals, especially dogs, you will agree that there is nothing as good as spending a lot of time with them. This is because it allows you to understand a lot of things about them. This includes their way of communication, their behaviors, their feelings, and so on. As a result, it makes it a lot more fun as you interact with them more often.

Thriving Industry

Training dogs professionally has been a thriving business, as many people adopt dogs daily. Having a pet could be a lot of fun, but there is also a whole lot of work that comes with it. Not everyone with them as pets in the home may have what it takes to deal with the work involved. So, they prefer to employ the services of professionals while they handle other aspects of their lives.

This doesn’t mean they don’t value the animal, but some factors may not allow them to train the dogs themselves. These factors could be work, not being knowledgeable enough, or not having appropriate. As a result, they get better hands to do the job instead of doing away with the animal.

High Potential

One who intends to train dogs does not end up as a trainer only but also has the potential to go into it as a business. You could also establish your firm and employ people you could train in the field. As long as you are passionate, dedicated, and have integrity, taking your professional training to the next level will be a matter of time.

A young Shih Tzu dog is being trained for obedience

You Can Build a Strong Network

When you decide to go into training dogs professionally, you stand a chance to put your expertise and skills to use. Enrolling for a dog trainer certification online gives you the help to do that. The certificate gives you access to a lot of people who will require your services and also broadens your knowledge while in the field.

How to Become a Certified Dog Trainer

Knowing the advantages/benefits of training dogs professionally, the next thing to do is to get certification. This certificate shows how effective and efficient your training methods have been. Therefore, go through the steps below to know how to proceed.

Steps to Getting a Dog Trainer Certification


Finding a good training school is the initial step you must take. Once you have found one, join their program. During this time, the institution gets to know you better and tries to find out what you intend to get from your time with them. They also help you create a distinct pathway for the future.

During enrollment, you will be required to provide certain information about yourself. This is done to be sure that you mean business. Some of the information provided will also determine your fit for the job.

Online Training

Once you have completed your enrollment process, you can begin online training. This process involves a comprehensive, result-driven curriculum that details some things like agility training and some techniques in behavior modification. Also, you can access various resources from the institution’s library.

This online training will help you to learn at your own pace and according to your schedule. It is a foundation block for the next step. During this stage, the more learning you acquire, the more influential the training becomes.

In-Person Training

This allows you to implement the knowledge gained during the training online. During this time, you would go through a series of experiences that combine theories that have been tested and tried. You benefit more from this training than the online one because it allows you to have an experience with a real dog and also work together with other trainees.

Furthermore, it allows you to meet with people ahead of you in the field. You can ask them questions and hear their experiences and story so far. This will also be a motivation and a push to do better when working as a certified professional.

Choose an Area of Specialization

Training a dog involves a lot of areas you need to be aware of. You can decide to focus on a particular area that you are more interested in or that you feel you can handle with ease. You can click here to learn ways to advertise yourself as a professional trainer. Doing this makes you more marketable, and it allows you to focus on a niche that interests you.

A Shih Tzu is standing in green grass


An idea about dogs is not enough to make you a professional trainer. Going through training and sharing ideas and experiences with others who are in the field is what helps you broaden your horizons. You can only do that when you have undergone the required training. Thankfully, this article has explained what is involved before you can get certified.

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About Janice

Janice is the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu. Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, she served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.

Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master's in Mental Health Counseling.

She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu.

When not writing, reading, or researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, her husband, and her family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Small Dog Place and Smart-Knit-Crocheting.