Ollie, the Red and White Prapso

by Lori

Ollie, a Red and White Prapso Puppy

Ollie, a Red and White Prapso Puppy

My first Shih Tzu, Zoe looked like the typical breed standard. After she passed away (at almost 16 years old), I decided I needed another Tzu in my life.

Ollie joined us when he was eight weeks old. His hair doesn't grow on his face and not typically on his legs.

We have just decided that he was "special," but the sweetest little guy ever. I had never heard of the term Prapso before.

This makes me feel much better knowing that he is not the only one and there isn't anything "wrong" with him.

He is a smart little bugger. The only odd thing we have noticed is that he licks - a lot! He licks me, but he also licks and gums any fabric toy, to the point where the fabric just kind of rots away. I have stopped giving him these type of toys because he ruins them in the first 15-30 minutes and gets pieces off.

I worry about him choking on the pieces or getting them stuck inside. I don't know if this has anything to do with the Prapso, just something I have never seen in another dog.

He is a sweetheart who has helped me in the grieving and missing of my Zoe.

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