Prince Our little warrior Shih Tzu

by Natasha
(Louisiana )

Enjoying the outdoors

Enjoying the outdoors

Prince was the last born of his parents and the last to go to Rainbow Bridge. Prince was very loyal and loving.

He was my little sister's (Prince's mom Racquel) only baby. Oh, how she loves him, and he loves her.

Prince celebrated birthdays in style with pancake birthday parties and shopping sprees. He was very, very well taken care of. His mom did not play with him.

Don’t mess with her baby. Other fur babies in the family very well-respected Princes.

When Prince barked or growled, they knew he meant business. Prince enjoyed running and playing in the green grass of his country home.

He loved a good treat, especially animal crackers. He loved old-school music and enjoyed the song Jimmy Mack which we changed to Penny Mack when we sang it to him.

Oh, he was a joy. With a sense of humor to match. There are so many things I could tell you about Prince, but it would take up a lifetime.

Prince lived until the ripe age of 15 years. Prince lived the life that some sweet fur babies will never experience, and we are ever so grateful that he chose us to be his family.

I am the aunt of Prince Lee Wortham, and I am so honored to share his story. Long live Prince Lee Wortham. Always in our hearts.

Hi, Janice here from Miracle Shih Tzu

Losing a beloved dog is harder than most people think unless they, too, have experienced this grief.

Here was an extremely well-loved and well-cared-for pet, and I would like to say how sorry I am for his loss. I am sure that I am not speaking alone, as many long-time Shih Tzu lovers can feel the same pain you are experiencing now.

Please know that you are not alone, and neither is Prince.

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